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Download “Inferno by Dante Alighieri” PDF and EPUB eBook free. Inferno by Dante Alighieri is a beautiful book that is now available for download in both PDF and EPUB format.
Inferno by Dante Alighieri Summary
Inferno is a beautiful novel written by Dante Alighieri. The book was published on January 1, 1320 and is available in both PDF and EPUB formats. Below is the summary of “Inferno by Dante Alighieri”:
Professor Esolen’s translation of Dante’s Inferno is the best one I have seen, for two reasons. His decision to use unrhymed blank verse allows him to come nearly as close to the meaning of the original as any prose reading could do, and allows him also to avoid the harrowing sacrifices that the demand for rhyme imposes on any translator. And his endnotes and other additions provoke answers to almost any question that could arise about the work.” —A. Kent HieattA groundbreaking bilingual edition of Dante’s masterpiece that includes a substantive Introduction, extensive notes, and appendixes that reproduce Dante’s key sources and influences. Of the great poets, Dante is one of the most elusive and therefore one of the most difficult to adequately render into English verse. With this major new translation, Anthony Esolen has succeeded brilliantly in marrying sense with sound, poetry with meaning, capturing both the poem’s line-by-line vigor and its allegorically and philosophically exacting structure, yielding an Inferno that will be as popular with general readers as with scholars, teachers, and students. For, as Dante insists, without a trace of sentimentality or intellectual compromise, even Hell is a work of divine art.Esolen’s edition also provides a critical ntroduction and endnotes, with appendices containing Dante’s most important sources—from Virgil to Saint Thomas Aquinas and beyond —that deftly illuminate the religious universe the poet inhabited.Verse Translation by Anthony EsolenIllustrations by Gustave Doré
Details About Inferno by Dante Alighieri PDF
- Title: Inferno
- Author: Dante Alighieri
- Language: English
- Genres: Classics, Poetry, Fiction, Literature, Religion, Fantasy, School
- Series: La Divina Commedia
- Published Date: January 1, 1320
- Status: Available for Download
- Formats: PDF/EPUB
- [EPUB] Filename: Inferno_-_Dante_Alighieri.epub
- [PDF] Filename: Inferno_-_Dante_Alighieri.pdf
- EPUB File Size: 2.39 MB
- PDF File Size: 4.74 MB
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