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Download “The Wrath of the Wallflower: Revenge of the Wallflowers” PDF and EPUB eBook free. The Wrath of the Wallflower: Revenge of the Wallflowers by Louisa Cornell is a beautiful book that is now available for download in both PDF and EPUB format.

The Wrath of the Wallflower: Revenge of the Wallflowers Summary

The Wrath of the Wallflower: Revenge of the Wallflowers is a beautiful novel written by Louisa Cornell. The book was published on March 18, 2025 and is available in both PDF and EPUB formats. Below is the summary of “The Wrath of the Wallflower: Revenge of the Wallflowers by Louisa Cornell”:


She Fears the Ultimate RevengeWhen Lady Alice Lister’s first season ended in gunfire, she expectedto be the subject of some rather unkind remarks. And sideways glances.And perhaps a gentleman or two tripping in their haste to flee herpresence.When her second season ended in the sort of misery that could only becreated by the cruel efforts of three wealthy titled young mendetermined to make her the most ridiculed and least sought-after dancepartner in the history of London society, the thought of revengecertainly came to mind, though the how and where were less certainwhen she dissolved into tears at the very thought of ever returning toLondon again.However, when her third season offered her the opportunity to gain herindependence and a small fortune simply by her attendance at thatseason’s most important events, she could not refuse.And should the opportunityto finally ensure those who made her first two seasons a misery receivetheir comeuppance it behooves a lady to give careful and sober thoughtto the idea of revenge. After all, one must have something to occupy one’s timebetween dress fittings, carriage rides, and balls at Almack’s.To ensure success, she needed an accomplice. However, under nocircumstances did she plan to choose an accomplice to whom she waseven mildly attracted, especially not a criminally handsome, kind,brilliant horticulturist with big blue eyes, and…where were we?Sinjin Perriton has survived years of dealing with London society bynot venturing forth into the mad whirl of the ton.His horticultural studies and his love of reading tales of daring havekept him safe, happy, and at home in his vast orangery. His shy naturehas made his years’ long correspondence with Lady Alice Lister theclosest and most precious friendship of his life. When she asks hishelp in her plotted vengeance, he readily agrees, too readily. Closeproximity to a lady bent on the destruction of those who have wrongedher might well be the death of him. Revenge comes at a price thatSinjin is willing to pay, but will the final cost be his heart?Pre-order today and find out if Alice is willing to exact revenge evenif she loses a chance at the ultimate revenge—her very own happilyever after.

Details About The Wrath of the Wallflower: Revenge of the Wallflowers by Louisa Cornell

  • Title: The Wrath of the Wallflower: Revenge of the Wallflowers
  • Author: Louisa Cornell
  • Language: English
  • Genres:
  • Series:
  • Published Date: March 18, 2025
  • Status: Available for Download
  • Formats: PDF/EPUB
  • [EPUB] Filename: The_Wrath_of_the_Wallflower_-_Louisa_Cornell.epub
  • [PDF] Filename: The_Wrath_of_the_Wallflower_-_Louisa_Cornell.pdf
  • EPUB File Size: 2.40 MB
  • PDF File Size: 2.81 MB

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