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Download “Blood & Tacos #1 by Johnny Shaw” PDF and EPUB eBook free. Blood & Tacos #1 by Johnny Shaw is a beautiful book that is now available for download in both PDF and EPUB format.
Blood & Tacos #1 by Johnny Shaw Summary
Blood & Tacos #1 is a beautiful novel written by Johnny Shaw. The book was published on February 27, 2012 and is available in both PDF and EPUB formats. Below is the summary of “Blood & Tacos #1 by Johnny Shaw”:
There was a time when paperback racks were full of men’s adventure series. Next to the Louis L’Amours, one could find the adventures of The Executioner, the Destroyer, the Death Merchant, and many more action heroes that were hell-bent on bringing America back from the brink. That time was the 1970s & ’80s. A bygone era filled with wide-eyed innocence and mustaches.Those stories are back! The new quarterly magazine Blood & Tacos is bringing back the action, the fun, and the adventure. Also, the mustaches.In each issue of Blood & Tacos, some of today’s hottest crime writers will choose an era and create a new pulp hero and deliver a brand-new adventure. Each issue will include 5-6 stories featuring action-packed mayhem written in the style of that bygone era. The stories might not always be politically correct, but whether satire or homage, they will deliver on every page. Fast and fun, action and adventure, Blood & Tacos.If the stories weren’t enough, Blood & Tacos will also feature fine pulpy art, reviews of some of the fine (and not so fine) novels from the same period, and maybe even a recipe or two.So enjoy this serving of Blood & Tacos. And remember, if it’s too cheesy, it’s a quesadilla.***Blood & Tacos is the brainchild of Johnny Shaw, screenwriter and author of the novel Dove Season: A Jimmy Veeder Fiasco. When he’s not writing or teaching, he is usually in an undisclosed warzone working as the demolitions expert in the mercenary group, The Bushmasters. He also enjoys badminton. His website can be found at Johnnyshaw.net. Or follow him on Twitter at @BloodandTacos.Blood & Tacos is published by Creative Guy Publishing, the company that brought you such fine books as Amityville House of Pancakes (Vols 1-3), Stays Crunchy in Milk, Installing Linux on a Dead Badger, Brine, and many others with odd titles but excellent stories.
Details About Blood & Tacos #1 by Johnny Shaw
- Title: Blood & Tacos #1
- Author: Johnny Shaw
- Language: English
- Genres: Short Stories, Crime, Thriller, Adventure, Mystery
- Series:
- Published Date: February 27, 2012
- Status: Available for Download
- Formats: PDF/EPUB
- [EPUB] Filename: Blood_n_Tacos_1_-_Johnny_Shaw.epub
- [PDF] Filename: Blood_n_Tacos_1_-_Johnny_Shaw.pdf
- EPUB File Size: 0.35 MB
- PDF File Size: 0.73 MB
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