[EPUB][PDF] A Roman Beginning by Nicholas Long – Free Download
Download “A Roman Beginning by Nicholas Long” PDF and EPUB eBook free. A Roman Beginning by Nicholas Long is a beautiful book that is now available for download in both PDF and EPUB format.
A Roman Beginning by Nicholas Long Summary
A Roman Beginning is a beautiful novel written by Nicholas Long. The book was published on January 1, 2018 and is available in both PDF and EPUB formats. Below is the summary of “A Roman Beginning by Nicholas Long”:
Cai is young when he’s suddenly given a chance to join the prestigious ranks of the Roman Legions. The opportunity takes him from the safe and secluded place he grew up, and into a very real and dangerous world that immediately starts chipping away at his youthful confidence, but he knows the biggest challenge is finding his place amongst those he’s looked up to for as long as he can remember.Cai is driven by his desire to become something he’s been told about all his young life, so he must go on an unknown journey into a world of warriors; a world full of decisions and consequences. Unfortunately, contrary to believing he was ready to become a legionnaire, and to one day be a known warrior of the Roman Legions, Cai is confronted with a harsh reality, he may have been mistaken.Born the year Rome began to establish a military region on the mysterious Island of Britannia, Cai is taken from the Island, by his mother, to join his father in Gaul. They eventually move and settle in Hispania, where Cai spends the majority of his young life training, until his world is devastated when both his parents die within a year of each other. He continues training with his uncle, until the unexpected deployment of the local Cohort, suddenly brings Cai to the brink of leaving his young life behind. Even though it’s what he wants, entering the Legions at such a young age makes Cai feel sick, no matter how much he’s prepared for it. Cai then discovers the reason for the sudden deployment and his unexpected opportunity; the Cohort is sailing for Britannia where it will join the Legions and campaign to finally establish the Island as a Roman territory.Cai’s journey to this unfamiliar land, and importantly, to earn the recommendation needed to leave the title of recruit behind, truly starts when he boards the Galley sailing away from all he knows. After an uneasy first night’s voyage, Cai wakes in the early dark hours, feeling more alone than he’s ever felt in his entire life, but looking into the darkness, he can feel the presence of an entire Century of Rome’s elite Legionnaires.
Details About A Roman Beginning by Nicholas Long PDF
- Title: A Roman Beginning
- Author: Nicholas Long
- Language: English
- Genres:
- Series:
- Published Date: January 1, 2018
- Status: Available for Download
- Formats: PDF/EPUB
- [EPUB] Filename: A_Roman_Beginning_-_Nicholas_Long.epub
- [PDF] Filename: A_Roman_Beginning_-_Nicholas_Long.pdf
- EPUB File Size: 0.29 MB
- PDF File Size: 0.62 MB
[PDF] [EPUB] A Roman Beginning by Nicholas Long Download
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